La dermatitis es un poco como la moda. Nunca sabes por qué, ni cómo, pero siempre vuelve.
Aquellos aperos que se ponían nuestros padres, ahora podemos rescatarlos y darles uso. O algún modelo de gafas antiguo que te daba vergüenza de los grande que era, y ahora lo quieres.
Pues con esta historia es lo mismo, si no fuera por el detalle de que no quieres que vuelva ningún día. Pero ah! qué se le va a hacer. Aquí está.
Sí, jode. Pero en cierto modo me lo tomo como algo normal y hace también las ganas de escribir vuelvan. Lo que yo te diga.
No es que el tema del blog me lo tome como algo pasajero. Es lo que fue y ahí se quedó. No es así. El problema es el tiempo de uno y los temas con los que poder conversar y explayarme para ti. Pero claro, también piensas: para qué voy a escribir y contarle a la gente lo bien que estoy? Eso no mola.
Lo que vende (dime si no es verdad) es ver superación, la vida del otro, problemas ajenos, peleas, .... de qué sino vivirían las televisiones de nuestro país? Reality shows, magazines, date shows... hasta a la política le sacan el lado rosa y sensacionalista.
Pues bien, en el siguiente capítulo de mi reallity toca probarse otra vez a uno mismo.
Uno ya no se acordaba de lo que era cargar con brotes de dermatitis hasta que de nuevo han vuelto a aparecer. Y si, literalmente los cargo porque los tengo en las manos. Qué cruz! Es complicado porque muchos de los días eres capaz de mover los dedos,las noches las pasas en vela buscando dónde colocar la mano izquierda y donde la derecha sin que te roce con nada... Y luego ya, que no te presenten a nadie porque ya verás tú!
La cuestión es que te preguntas por activa y por pasiva "POR QUÉ". En qué momento el karma ha decidido vengarse (de nuevo). El problema venía un poco de atrás, de pasarme fregando en un bar (sin guantes) los platos sucios. (Sí, es lo que tiene ser joven y buscar trabajo en nuestros tiempos, que no hay. Yo también querría estar en funciones pero no me dejan).
Tras esta etapa mi mano ya estaba floja. Asomaba y picaba la dermatitis. Lo próximo fue ya probar con aquel líquido que un día te dije. No el spray, sino el líquido rojo de esta marca de cosmética Piabeli. La cuestión es que, si ya pasé por todo lo que pasé, no debería de volver a tener semejante reacción, pues limpié todo el mal que tenía por dentro. Pero se ve que no. Y a los dos días de aplicar un nada de este Líquido Rojo...BOOM! Cual bomba me reventó la cara y las manos.
De la cara no hay foto (simplemente roja y con granitos), pero en las manos puedes apreciar que incluso el color cambiar.

La primera foto es al poco de reventar. La segunda a las tres semanas, más o
menos, donde el tamaño de los dedos se reduce y se ve que viene nueva
Pero como todo hay que afrontarlo con positividad, etoy tranquilo dentro de lo que cabe. Sé que esto se irá poco a poco aunque le lleve lo suyo.
También está el tema de la reflexología, que hacía tiempo que no curioseaba qué partes reflejan qué órganos en las manos. Te dejo la entrada en la que hablaba sobre eso por si te apetece :) Conoces tu cuerpo?
Pero otro asunto que me ha motivado para volver a escribir ha sido que la gente sigue el blog y su página en Facebook. Y esta vez ha sido un chico de Colombia que se ha identificado con mi historia, me ha pedido ayuda y me ha dado las gracias por estas líneas.
A él y a todos los que puedan estar en la misma situación, les dedico estas líneas.
Yo me quedo por aquí bebiendo mucha agua y cuidando lo que como. Tamoco hay que forzar, pero más vale prevenir que empeorar.
Un saludo amigos. Ya os contaré cuál será la nueva moda ;)
Did you know that dermatitis is like fashion? You don't know why nor how, but is always back.
That strange and old fashion clothes that your parents kept in the closet, now you can wear them and being trendy. Or even some old big sunglasses that you were ashamed of it, but now you really want them.
So, with this stuff is the same situation, but just one difference: you never want dermatitis to be back.
But ah! you cannot do anything. Here it is.
So fuck it. But what is true is that I take it like normal thing and this also gets me feelings about writing again. So, as I told you: everything is back.
Is not that the topic of this blog has nothing else to say. It is just something about time managment, holidays, no many things to focus on and write them down. But the point is, I thought: why should I write? Just to say that I am fine? That's not cool. People wouldn't buy this happy stories.
What people likes (tell me if I am wrong) are topics about others' people life, problems, fights, personal challanges... like our TVshows: reallities, dating shows, talk shows... even gossiping about our politicians.
I even forgot about this things till I got it again, this time in my hands. Crazy. It is really hard because most of the days you cannot move your fingers, you spend the night looking for a good position for your arms/hands instead of sleeping... and the "hardest" part is when someone introduces you another person. OMG.
You just ask yourself anytime "WHY". In which moment karma decided to attack me (again). The problems are already from before, when I was washing the dishes in a restaurant (without gloves). (Yes, that is what youngster from nowadays without a job do when there is no job).
After that, my hand was not so good. Already few spots of dermatitis were appearing. The next was to try that liquid that I told you once. Not the spray, the Red Liquid from the cosmetic brand Piabeli.
Did you know that dermatitis is like fashion? You don't know why nor how, but is always back.
That strange and old fashion clothes that your parents kept in the closet, now you can wear them and being trendy. Or even some old big sunglasses that you were ashamed of it, but now you really want them.
So, with this stuff is the same situation, but just one difference: you never want dermatitis to be back.
But ah! you cannot do anything. Here it is.
So fuck it. But what is true is that I take it like normal thing and this also gets me feelings about writing again. So, as I told you: everything is back.
Is not that the topic of this blog has nothing else to say. It is just something about time managment, holidays, no many things to focus on and write them down. But the point is, I thought: why should I write? Just to say that I am fine? That's not cool. People wouldn't buy this happy stories.
What people likes (tell me if I am wrong) are topics about others' people life, problems, fights, personal challanges... like our TVshows: reallities, dating shows, talk shows... even gossiping about our politicians.
So, in the next episode of my reallity show I must prove myself again.
I even forgot about this things till I got it again, this time in my hands. Crazy. It is really hard because most of the days you cannot move your fingers, you spend the night looking for a good position for your arms/hands instead of sleeping... and the "hardest" part is when someone introduces you another person. OMG.
After that, my hand was not so good. Already few spots of dermatitis were appearing. The next was to try that liquid that I told you once. Not the spray, the Red Liquid from the cosmetic brand Piabeli.
The point is that, if I already passed through all of this, I shouldnt have any kind of reaction, because I cleanned all my inside. No, I didn't. So after I put a bit of that liquid.... BOOM! Like a bomb in my face and my hands.
I don't have a picture of my face (it was just red and with little spots), but you can see how the hands look like and how the colour is changing.
There is another thing which motivated me to write again in the blog. It is because of the people who follows this blog and the Facebook page. The last one to contact me was a guy from Colombia who said that my story is completely the same as his, so he asked me for help and said to me thanks for writing this.
For him and for other people in the same situation is this post.
I'm done for today. I will stay at home drinking a lot of water and taking care of what I eat. Not too much, but it's better to prevent than getting worse.
Greeting! I will look for the new tends and I will let you know soon ;)
I don't have a picture of my face (it was just red and with little spots), but you can see how the hands look like and how the colour is changing.
I thought this will pass so fast, because I alreday passed it and it was slow because the whole body needed time to regenerate itself and now are just only hands. But I was wrong, and I am more than three weeks with this problem. For tha face no problem at all, but hands are terrible (at least I have better mobility now, if not I wouldn't be typing this text).
The first photo is just after I got it. The second one is after three weeks, more or less, where you can see that the volume of fingers is smaller and some kind of new skin coming out.
The first photo is just after I got it. The second one is after three weeks, more or less, where you can see that the volume of fingers is smaller and some kind of new skin coming out.
But let's face it with positivism, I am ok. I just know that this will disappear little by little.
I also remembered about reflexology, there was long time since I didn't check which parts show which organs in the hands. You can also have a look in this old post :) Conoces tu cuerpo?
I also remembered about reflexology, there was long time since I didn't check which parts show which organs in the hands. You can also have a look in this old post :) Conoces tu cuerpo?
There is another thing which motivated me to write again in the blog. It is because of the people who follows this blog and the Facebook page. The last one to contact me was a guy from Colombia who said that my story is completely the same as his, so he asked me for help and said to me thanks for writing this.
For him and for other people in the same situation is this post.
I'm done for today. I will stay at home drinking a lot of water and taking care of what I eat. Not too much, but it's better to prevent than getting worse.
Greeting! I will look for the new tends and I will let you know soon ;)
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